Build a Holodeck, Part II
The prototype which is pictured was made
from an incredible pile
of junk. The projection system includes a
Reciprocator, which could
have been a powerful sub-woofer or the "voice
coil" of the head of
a Very old hard drive, since these may be
able to reciprocate by
more than an inch. For a Reciprocator, we
used a Lawnmower
engine driven in reverse by an electric motor.
The other part of the projection system was
meant to be a pair
of parabolic mirrors which would carry the
image from a reciprocating
surface into mid-air where it would safely
Also, those mirrors were very large. Although
our reciprocating
mechanism IS very large, as I have said,
it does not need to be.
We found that an anomalous lens worked Very
Well, and although
we could not find another, better lens, in
our junk collection, we
know a little bit about the lens and a little
bit about how it can
be improved. But for demonstration, it Works
Very Well.
I recall seeing in a textbook a drawing representing
lenses refract light. It showed a convex
lens acting as a
magnifying glass. Concave lenses are often
used as collimators
or reducing lenses, but in this diagram that
I remembered,
something else was shown: Projection of an
image on the
same side of the lens.
So the lens in the reciprocating part of
the projector is a
concave lens. It may appear to be working
as a mirror, but
quite anomalously, coating it on either side
with reflective metal
made the image disappear, as also did, coating
the back of the
lens with black material! Therefore, the
concave lens is NOT
reflecting. Also noticed is that the apparent
size of the virtual
image is not changed very much in the case
of the lens, but
is changed greatly when mirrors are used.
(note: change 5/8/2004: the lens used is
not a Double Concave
but has a convex side, for it is a common
eyeglass lens.)
The other part of the projection system is
a bright, high-speed,
static display. In our prototype, LEDs parallelly
connected to an
array of latches (74HC574) was used. It is
necessary that the
display does not Raster because the image
would be very dim,
having been reduced by the inverse cube of
the distance between
the voxel and the emitter. Digital Light
Processors are an excellent
substitute for LEDs, because they handle
very bright light and are
driven by static memory (and therefore present
a Parallel image,
unlike a CRT raster). It is very tedious
to build a high resolution
static LED display, or even the one we used.
But latched LEDs are
able to be modulated at about 1MHz which
is sufficient for producing
high resolution 3D images.
Update: Perhaps a type of cold cathode latching
neon fluorescent
display would be effective as an image source.
It has been known
since 1970 at least that cold cathode tubes
turn on at a higher voltage
than they stay on, and that gives them a
useful memory for massively
parallel display output. This is better than
the first idea of using latched
This is a simplified design of the open air
holograph we have invented:
The position of the sync trigger sensor is
important, because it
determines where the image will appear. Moving
the sensor vertically
will move the image vertically , even down
into the reciprocating
lens. It is most effective to have the image
project as far away from
the lens as possible. In this particular
design, it is also important for
the processor to know whether the lens is
moving up or down,
to prevent a mirror image from being generated.
Color is possible, although our prototype
produces just yellow
images. It may be able to produce red and
green also. To produce
full color, either a RGB light source may
be used, or more simply,
a white source with an RGB color wheel.
Images which we have generated for our prototype
have been
computer generated. The simplest editor we
can imagine for this
display is a light pen. There are a number
of methods of detecting
the location of a light pen in this display
field, such as...
First determining the vertical position of
the light pen and then
doing a quick raster across the plane of
the active light source.
This is a picture of our prototype, uncovered.
With the cover on,
the concave lens does not exit the hole in
the cover, but the
projected image apparently does. The active
light source protrudes
out of the box and is suspended above the
reciprocating lens.
The reciprocator position is sensed by an
open optocoupler beam-break,
which interrupts the processor which begins
to feed image data into
the latched buffers, which are connected
to the LEDs by the ribbon cables..
Another method that can be used to sense
the reciprocator position is
a small rare-earth magnet and a tape head.
The processor is also interupted when serial
data is fed to it.
The data is almost immediately stored in
memory according to a
few different commands which describe what
to do with it.
ANIMATE: (## are hex frame numbers, 00 means
repeat, FF means stop.)
a-## ## ## ## ## ## ...
FRAME SELECT: display and prepare to load
optional data into a cubical bitmap bank.
Prototype has 62 cubical frame banks.
If the prototype boots up and has no data,
it loads an
animated demo image of a rotating nut inside
of a cube from ROM.
Data is received from the RS-232 port at
19200 baud, 115200 is
also possible but not implemented.
Other commands are planned but not implemented:
These commands would allow the device to
operate without a
computer. The functions can already be done
with one.
A "draw line" function must count
along the axis with the
most distance. Otherwise, a dotted line would
be drawn.
At worst, a divide by zero would happen if
a vertical line
were to be drawn on the vertical axis. The
shorter coordinates
for each dot are calculated by the same proportion
of movement
between beginning and end as the long axis.
This is how it is
done in 2 dimensions and also works in 3
This emulates VECTOR GRAPHICS in the 3D bitmap.
Rotation involves calculating the distance
between points and
the axis of rotation, and also calculating
and changing the current
angular position of each point. Since the
prototype only does
integer math, if any, then the rotation calculations
should be
done on a computer. The prototype can apparently
rotate images without
the computer because the angular views are
already rendered
and stored in the device's cubical bitmap
frame banks.
Scrolling is simply shifting the voxels all
in the same direction.
This is a deconstructed (simulated) view
of our scrolling demo.
On the device, only part of the landscape
can be seen, but
the plane does move as the landscape scrolls
under it.
The final note on this device...
(precisely what Lens we used)
will appear soon (now).
We believe it is an uncut optometrist's stock
"DIOPTER NUMBER 8", which has a
net concavity.
Since we only had one eye glass lens it is
very likely that
experimentation with other eyeglass lenses
the effect may
be improvable and certainly increased in
An online video of this CUBE 3 "holodeck"
in operation may be forthcoming, when it is uploaded into
new server space, as well as pictures of
CUBE 1 and 2.
Old video demo: MPEG 30MB or Windows Media 600K
A design for CUBE 4 is set, which is a small
for "holodeck" games and rooms.
This design departs from
the technology of 2 and 3. We have very much
with 3D experimentation, and if CUBE 4 works,
may use the same technology on a larger scale
and come
very close to meeting the expectations of
those who have seen
the technology only in science fiction.
New:due to a disagreement between myself
and a manufacturer
of a critical cube 4 part, I may not prototype
it, but release the
design anyway...with strong implications
not to use that part
but something else instead.
Other 3D projects may also be described on
these pages soon.
I hope the simplicity of this project, which
could have been done
as well in the 1980's, has not gone unnoticed.
Let's build the brighter future!
With a 47% share, homebrew technology is
the leading VR platform!
(c)William Como, 2003 ; all rights reserved.
NEXT: PART 3: Holodeck Rooms